Today, I got a phone call from the woman I buy goats milk from. She had a referral for me, if I will be ready by Saturday. Ahhhhhh! So close. I was really tempted to say send her on, but, I said no, because I work on Saturday evening, and am still building puppy proof, and Flash proof enclosures. I had to buy my own dog from the pound last after the last shift I worked. By the time I had been gone for half an hour, she had escaped, gone the almost half mile to the highway, been brought back home by the neighbor, got out again and made it to the highway, where she runs down the CENTER of the road, stopping traffic in both directions. She was picked up by a woman who transported her to within city limits, then called the pound. She spent less than 24 hours there. That much was 41 bucks. There was a penalty fee of 50 bucks (goes up with each offense, 500 on the 4th offense) AND a surcharge of 25 for being inside city limits when the dog catcher got her. I would not be cost effective to have her get out while I am at work again, so I am building a very secure pen outside the dog door. And then this evening, the pups found the hole in the house yard fence. I didn't think they would want out when they know I am inside, but independant souls they are said to be.
All of this to explain why I could not just hang the curtains, paint the trim, put up the door knobs, and clean the place between Thursday afternoon and Saturday evening. Still, I cant. Too many variables, three canine variables, and my desire to keep them home and keep them safe.
But this is how close it is. I'm thinking I'll be ready a week from Saturday.
I was reading a post from last August, when I said I thought I would be ready by October of last year. That makes me laugh out loud. There has been a lot to keep me from opening my B&B/farmstay, by last October, but such is the topic for many posts.
For now, I am as I have been for almost a year, "almost ready". I think I'll wait until I'm really ready before I make book any guests.... other than family and friends, you all can come any time.
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